Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sickly thoughts...

I have tendency to get ill after big races or races that just take a lot out of me (due to the fact that they are so damn fun, HOLLA NEWS TEAM!). It used to be reach the beach, but I've mastered my ability to sleep, wake up, run, take a shot and go back to bed.

Then it was ironmans, luckily for me I was on cloud 9 and in great weather. I was weary about coming home to the cold, but the first few days were not bad at all. Until Tuesday morning. A 15 year old patient of mine came in looking sick as a dog. She told me she had a sinus infection. Uh oh, I had one of those last year and it took 3 months to go away. Well, needless to say I was sick Wednesday, Thursday I called in sick, Friday I struggled to get to work. I rallied for the weekend (typical right?) but Monday I had to call out sick again. Well, since I was out of sick time I was wasting precious vacation time. Finally got to the doctor today and he hooked me up with antibiotics that appeared as if they were for elephants. I mean, these pills were HUGE. Whatevs, I take musinex foo, I got this.

Being sick usually means sitting at home, reading the interwebs while blowing through boxes upon boxes of tissue paper (pun intended) with a side dish of video games. It's been a while since I've been so sick where I needed to take more than 1 day off from work. It's just not my nature, I prefer to just suck it up. I guess it's appropriate that I do stay home. I'm a health care practitioner, no one wants their therapist coughing on them.

This time, for better or for worse I noticed myself in a way that I may not have noticed (or have noticed but not cared). Over the past 7 months I've been constantly busy. Whether it be training, social obligations, personal developments (oh, lets be real. it was probably spent at the rock gym or training) I haven't really had a lot of "free" time. Here I am ripping through the box of tissues, sitting on my chair with a hot cup of tea and reading random what nots on the internet and playing e-mail tag with my friends at work.

Is this what I do with my free time when I'm not preoccupied with goals (and not sick as well). Gosh, I sure hope not. It seemed rather sad, wasteful almost that a perfectly good book sits right in front of my keyboard (one that I have enjoyed greatly thus far I may add) and about 30 unread books sit on my bookshelf (no, I'm not a hoarder, one of my ex's was quite the reader and left me a bunch of books that she thought I would enjoy. I'm sad to admit that I've only gotten through 2-3 of them fully). So there I was, a personal moment. I would love to see a pie graph of my chart and see what it is composed of. Take away sleep, education, eating, work and see what you have left. It's like saying bloody mary as a child. You want to do it because you're curious, but you're afraid of what you may see, even though you know it's probably not true. In my case, I'm worried that a majority of my time is wasted, though it's probably not true. Better be sure, time to stop blogging and read a book.

Of course sushi is a perfect acceptable meal when you are extremely ill.

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