hey folks,
to start, i want to say that everyone from MPA is still family to me. it's weird calling people i met on an online gaming family, but there were some good times.
i can't say i know the exact details. but i think it's important for members to know what happened from when i was brought into the mix. when the merge happened, it was quite sudden. for anyone not in leadership, it was just fun. tons of MPA people ported over and the merge just happened. what most (and by most, i mean everyone outside the 10 or so people in leadership) didn't know was how much struggle there was behind the scenes.
old und had our style. loose, fun, kill shit, and worry about shit like TD, EA, EW etc 2ndary.
MPA had their own style. a lot more structured and organized, clear cut roles for each leader, and a clear chain of command.
seven recognized that in order to succeed, we needed to merge. we would be the ultimate alliance. obviously with merges there are difficulties. MPA gave up a lot, they ported over and ported their farms over. a few of their deputies stayed back to keep the MPA alliance healthy, a few stayed because they didn't think the merge would work out.
honestly, everything appeared to be dandy to all of us R2 and under folks. but behind the scenes a lot of bickering was going on. i don't want to go into exact details. but since i chat with everyone, things now makes sense to me. the first sign of tensions that i noticed was when ZK was booted from leader chat, he was upset regarding tech research. he was passionate and wanted our old mates back in (by expanding faster, they can all come back). the next sign was COhiker leaving, then coming back, then leaving again.
d/t tensions, lack of hearing voices and tones, people got more and more upset. an understanding was met when leadership was given to 7. this little peace lasted shortly. this is also when i was brought into the fold.
by the time i was brought it, i was overwhelmed. it took me 2-3 days to figure out what was going on, but the final 2 days of the alliance broke down to this.
seven brought milky way aka kit kat from MPA over to help organize. he needed a brute biatch to just come in and tell us what to do. so she did as asked. unfortunately, i think it rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. i know i was a bit irritated. but all the things she implemented were positive (imo). unfortunately there were a lot of side chats. we have strong personalities here.. ZK DUKE SEVEN SKOZZ. it's not easy to get 4 type A guys playing a war game to agree.
MPA said they would stay if 7 was leader and we split deputies evenly. some people didn't want duke as a deputy. i honestly felt we were very close... but then skozz told a joke... someone mentioned something about skozz as r4. and he laughed and said he's r5. seven took it the wrong way. he thought skozz was accusing him of stealing the alliance and pretty much said i'm done. skozz got upset and pointed out that this is the exact drama that he was complaining about. seven quit, gave skozz leadership. skozz got pissed and said fine, you want organization. he booted a bunch of MPA from leadership positions. he sent out a letter regarding TD etc times and said we're going to go back to killing shit.
mind you, duke is traveling back from vacation and driving on and off. he signs on, sees he got booted from deputy, and pretty much says fuck it, i'm going back to MPA and offered home for anyone that wanted to come back.
that's how the split happened. by the end, UND representation was 7, skozz, myself, and lusty. mpa was duke, kit kat aka kk aka milky way, mad dog and juan sanchez.
mpa said the only way they would come back is if skozz was r4, not r5. skozz admitted to me that he made some brash decisions. but he honestly seemed tired of all the bullshit.. we all were. i was in a damn chatroom listening to people argue for 2 whole days. i hated it. he gave leadership to thrasher to let him solve it. now und representation was thrasher, myself and lusty.
thrasher had a good plan. r5 is a dummy account, 4 und members are deputies (myself, thrasher, lusty, skozz, 4 mpa of their choice). it was suggested that ZK and duke not be deputy, d/t both of them being too passionate. it was a starting point, but what broke down was.
1) mpa wouldn't accept that their leader would not be at least r4 in the merge. further reinforcing how they feel that some of the und members look down on them, seeing them as 2nd tier players.
2) mpa wouldn't accept a dummy account, because they worried that skozz could get upset again, take back leadership and boot everyone.
thrasher felt that a split leadership was the only fair thing. mpa didn't trust us with a dummy account shared by all. at this point, negotiations broke down.
note: this is MY viewpoint of what happened. i was there for every single conversation starting at the point where seven was the leader. anything before that.. the pre merge shit.. i have no idea.
we tried, we failed. we're stupid. i know for a fact that there were people in MPA that never wanted this to work out. i've spoken to them, i can just tell. but there were also guys in UND that didn't help the situation. they know who they are, they know they contributed to the fall merge, and yes, they feel bad about it.
MPA did not poach alex or karasu, they left on their own free will. we did not and will not poach players back. i absolutely condone poaching of players. if ya'll are former friends and chat, fine.. i don't care. if people come back, it's on their own, UND WILL NOT actively recruit people back from MPA.
right now our relationship is fragile. we are union with MPA. we fight our own battles, but we have a common enemy. if VKW comes and attacks MPA hard, i'll be the first to drop tags and go help. i did that earlier today when they rallied against fragles. MANY mpa players have said they would do the same for us. i don't want misunderstandings breaking things up. it's obvious we are stronger together. we just need the right leadership in place to lead US as a team. vs 2 different people in the same company competing against each other.
if anyone has any questions, please come directly to me. lets keep alliance chat to fun stuff, killing, and calling times.
all new members, GET LINE APP and send lusty your username. she'll add you. we have a 699 realm with current and former und member/friends. and we have an emergency line. you post there ONLY during emergencies, it's for if you're being attacked, or if farms are being attacked.