These days, people don't just exercise. They spin, crossfit, p90x, insanity, pilox (combo of pilates and boxing), zumba etc etc. Folks label themselves in search of an exercising identity. Part of it is in search of a community that shares the same workout plan as they do and part of it is because they think it's the best workout for whatever reason.
Crossfitters will talk about the community and the intense workouts, climbers will talk about the pump or how burly the route was, spinners will talk about how their heart rate was super high all class. I for one am not afraid to try any form of exercise/activity. I love pushing my body to the limit, I love pushing my mind to the limit. I've dabbled in p90x, insanity, crossfit, various spin studios, yoga, pilates, etc. Short of yoga on a SUP I've probably dabbled in it.
There are only a few forms of exercise where you cannot stop. Once you stop, you are no longer doing it. Running is one of those. Everyone defines running differently. Everyone runs at a different pace and there is a very clear line between running and jogging. A lot of folks are jogger (spoken with a soft J), but for those who have experienced running (sorry if I'm sounding elitist right now), you know the pain and suffering that accompanies it as well as the immense reward you receive by doing it.
For me, running is the ultimate form of exercise. It's the only form of exercise where I cannot take a break. I can speed up and run harder or I can slow down and get down to my slowest running pace which still involves a moderately high level of effort. That's the beauty of running, there is no rest. When you bike, you can coast and rest, when you climb you can hang and shake out, when you lift weights there are always rest periods, when you're canoeing or kayaking the current can assist you or you can coast for longer periods between strokes. There is none of that in running.
Your run workout can also be tuned for your needs. You can run long and flat, you can run hills, you can run intervals. All at the cost of a pair of sneakers, the same sneakers you are likely going to wear to the rock gym, or to crossfit or to yoga.
I went for a run for the first time in 5 months. During that period I had been spinning occasionally, bouldering, rope climbing and doing a ton of ice climbing. All of those activities were inherently difficult for periods of times but there were always periods where I was able to "coast" and reduce my effort. When I went for my first run I had allotted myself 30 minutes. I was expecting to do about 3 miles since it was my first run in so long. With the sun shining down, my noosa tri 7's strapped to my feet, oakley radar paths on my face sitting under my visor I set off and quickly realize I was running a 7 min pace. That 7 min pace didn't feel all that bad considering the first effort was downhill. As the ground leveled off I just absorbed the sun into my skin and went with the stride. I was running, for the first time in 5 months and it felt oh so liberating. By the time I hit davis square I was bout 1.5 miles in, pace now dropping into the 6:30's. I was starting to feel myself tiring, I knew that if I kept that pace I would be hurting. But! I was running and it felt so damn good. Next thing you know I find myself chasing cars up hill, pushing my body and begging my mind to tell my legs to shut up.
It was one of those runs you knew that you were going to pay for the next day. Except I was sore by the time I got home. My calves felt like I had just run a marathon, my quads were on fire and my upper back was tight from pumping my arms so hard to keep the pace at 6:40. That's when it hit me that running was the ultimate workout.
Next time you plateau with your workout, mentally give up on a project route or bouldering problem, next time you feel like you can't lift a certain weight, or hold a certain pose, go on and put on your sneakers. Step out of your comfort zone, go for a run. Push the pace, challenge your mind and your body like you have never before. I promise, you'll come back stronger than you left.